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Welcome to Mrs. Mary's Blog

- Where you will get everything from a children's lesson to life experiences.

Who Is Mrs. Mary?

About Mary Robertson AKA Mrs. Mary:

Since giving her heart to the Lord at age 11, Mary Robertson has had a heart for children’s ministry. But God’s plan is always bigger than we imagine. After developing a ministry with her dear friend Carol, for children called, Kids Catching Christ, with over 200 children being reached, Mary is serving the Lord by reaching and teaching Youth students as the youth and children's director at Cedar Lane Baptist. She focuses on helping students to grow spiritually, biblically, and develop leadership skills today with the goal of creating tomorrow’s leaders!

Hold up! Hold up! This is way too formal. I was going to go with my biography that I use for associational speaking events and my formal title bio for my church, but the truth is, there's not much that is formal about me. I can use the eloquent words that have been written about me that are true and paint a pretty picture, but the reality is I'm just a normal, ole country girl who loves Jesus.

I do not have a fancy degree that puts me ahead of anyone. I just have a call on my life like the disciples did. I've learned things the hard way in a lot of cases, but I've grown. If you want to know what my official title is; here ya go: Associational Children's Outreach Advocate. I work with the Colorado Baptist Association. None of the titles or positions I hold, are positions I make a living in. I do not get paid, well at least not here, I store my treasures up in heaven.

I never wanted anyone to think that I was doing anything for monetary gain. It has always been about doing the Will of my Father in Heaven and glorifying Him in the process.

So, who am I?

Quite simply put I am a child of God. I am a wife, mother of three, church teacher, friend, animal lover, avid reader, author, small business owner, baker, and learner. My heart has always been in children's ministry, and I thank God daily for letting me play a small role in His big plan.

I simply put, get to see the Hand of God move daily. He has made His path so clear with this children's ministry and I and Carol, just follow His lead. It's nice to have God in control. When we truly let that control go and give it to God, amazing things happen. I've had to really learn to be less about me. I am human, so I used to do things for my own glory or my own recognition.

We like to be recognized when we feel like we are doing a good job. It is a good feeling to be appreciated, but when I finally realized that my Father in Heaven was the only one who needed recognition and my life came to be about only glorifying Him, so many more things were given to me. Afterall, when we are faithful in the small things, we will be faithful in the big things.

The great part about God is, He will recognize you. He will let you know He sees you and your work through Him is noticed. When I finally quit driving and let God take control, things started to happen in my life that could only be Him. He blessed me with meaningful work and showed the way to go. Here's the kicker, I was seeking HIM! I was looking for my Father in Heaven in everything.

At the very least, I want to be here to encourage you! We are all just human and trying our best. If God can use someone like me to reach hundreds, He will use you. You've heard the saying, "God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called." Here we are.

Together we can build each other up and do great things. I hope to let you get to know me better through this blog. I want you to know my heart and my love for the children not only around me, but all over the world. I want to share lessons and stories and just uplift you. Thank you for taking the time to stop by. I pray that you will be blessed by this imperfect woman who just loves Jesus and talks to chickens!

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